Oh, there you are!

What does it cost to be kind?

It costs only a few seconds and some humility.

Maybe it can be humbling to be kind.

But so long as you do it with a pure heart, it is worthy and valid.

The cost of kindness is little, but the gift of kindness can be everything, even as much as a life.

You never know the impact a smile or virtual hug can have on someone.

Or saying, "I love you," or, "I'm here for you."

So spread some love and kindness, cause the world needs it.

And if you haven't heard it in a while, I love you.

I support you.

I'm so proud of you.

You're doing amazing things and you've come too far to back down; never stop fighting on.

You can you this, you've got this.

I believe in you.

I love you! 💓💗


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